To Serve A Noble Cause

The poet Thomas Babington Macaulay wrote in “Lays of Ancient Rome” –

And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods.

Churchill memorized all 1,200 lines of this poem and quoted from it often in his wartime addresses. Stephen sees the poem’s sentiments coming to life today in the lives of men in Ukraine. You see, men are not meant to live just for themselves. Our purpose is not even just to provide for our families and immediate kin. A man is meant for these things and more. A man is meant to live for a glorious cause, for something that captures his soul and enflames his heart. Gentlemen, your lives are measured by the higher causes to which you give yourself. There are many causes in this world. Which one will capture your heart?

Published On: Apr 12th, 2022

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