GreatMan Podcast

  • Guys, you need to be fully engaged in the holiday season – for yourself, those you lead, and those around you. Join us as we Revisit the December 2018 Episode of the GreatMan Podcast (“Owning The Holidays”) for some quick encouragement and a challenge. May you be changed by the giving, loving, and celebrating of Christmas.

    Published on December 13, 2022

  • Being surrounded by men doesn’t equate to having a band of brothers. To build the latter, there are some deeper questions involved – Why is this person in my life in the first place? Can I depend on them for anything past our normal activities? Would they really be there for me when things go wrong? Join Stephen on this week’s new podcast episode as he asks the tough questions that can lead to profound relational changes.

    Published on November 29, 2022

  • Do you have an apologetic for noble manhood? That word, “apologetic,” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning “a formal defense of an opinion, position or action.” If someone were to ask you what great manhood looks like, would you be prepared with a response? Would you be able to articulate your convictions? In this episode, Stephen lays a framework which we can use to explain our belief in pursuing righteous masculinity. Listen in to equip yourself!

    Published on November 15, 2022

  • Did you know that if you are “haunted by loneliness,” as Stephen says, the toll on your physical health is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day? According to a Harvard study, 61 percent of the young in the US self-report as being lonely. A haunting sense of loneliness is also correlated with high blood pressure, higher instances of cancer, and dementia. Gentlemen, if you haven’t had a conversation about something personal with another man in the last week…[read more]

    Published on November 3, 2022

  • Most men, if they’re talking at all, are talking to the wrong people. If the only people you are talking to are your rowdy friends or your wife or girlfriend, then you are not going to be healing, arising, and stirred to be a better man. Stephen shares a recent experience he had in a restaurant where he observed a young man talking his date’s ear off for an hour-and-a-half. She was doing everything she could to be pleasant,[read more]

    Published on October 18, 2022

  • One of the arts of great manhood is getting yourself straight about your father. For those of you who have wonderful relationships with your father, great. Dive deep. Drink it in. You won’t have him forever. For those of you who have mediocre relationships, dig in. Go further. You will be surprised at the riches to be found. If you had a horrible or absent father figure, Stephen challenges you to forgive the man that was supposed to be[read more]

    Published on October 4, 2022

  • A part of the British monarch’s funeral rites involves friends, knights, aides, and family members stepping up to the corners and sides of the coffin to stand vigil. This tradition comes from an ancient practice of warriors honoring their deceased commanders or kings by surrounding them with protection. Ponder your life through this question: who will stand vigil for you? Are you living a life of honor? Are you connected to a band of brothers who would stand for[read more]

    Published on September 20, 2022

  • Men need manly, sacred space: a space in the home or outside of it. As Stephen prepares for a move, he describes the manly sacred space he has enjoyed for the past 17 years in Nashville. Men from every station in life have walked in and exclaimed, “Man, I wish I had something like this!” It’s nothing fancy. Just some paint and furniture. But it provides a place apart. A quiet retreat. For some men, a sacred space is[read more]

    Published on September 6, 2022

  • Lying is a cancer of the soul and a cancer on great manhood. According to a survey by the University of Notre Dame, the average American tells 11 lies per week. Nearly three out of four of those lies are told to friends and family members. If a man is secure in himself, he doesn’t need to lie to enhance himself. Get centered so you can live a life of integrity. Speak the truth as you know it. Be[read more]

    Published on August 23, 2022

  • Posit this with us: If there is a God and if He created you, then He created you as a man. Of course, we all sustain wounds and deformities that pierce the soul and heart, keeping us from becoming the men we are meant to be. But, again, if there is a God and if He made you, then He desires for you to fulfill your destiny of becoming a great man. In this episode, Stephen offers encouragement and[read more]

    Published on August 16, 2022

  • Joshua asks, what is the purpose of initiation and ritual among men? Learn why men are wired for rituals and seasons – and what you can do to build and foster ritual in the lives of your sons and the men around you. From childhood to adolescence to marriage to fatherhood, rites of passage have the power to profoundly shape and guide noble lives. Harness their power and make them a part of your toolbox.
    Recommended in this podcast[read more]

    Published on August 9, 2022

  • Men are about twice as likely to become alcohol-dependent as women. They’re twice as likely to binge drink and twice as likely to be drunk drivers. This is not a campaign against drinking. But it is a campaign for being thoughtful about your stance on alcohol and in control of your consumption. This is an essential episode for all men. Listen now…

    Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash for the National Drug Helpline

    This episode originally aired on May 15, 2018.

    Published on August 2, 2022