GreatMan Podcast
One of the things that distinguishes a mature man from an immature boy is his ability to get what he needs. Men, you’ve probably heard Stephen say this before: you need a certain amount of rowdiness and adventure in your lives. A reasonable pursuit of these things will make you a better man – for yourself and for those you lead. So, take stock of what you need. Figure out how to get it. And go after it!
This episode[read more]
Published on July 26, 2022
We used to believe the brain was a closed system. Now we’re finding that the brain is very malleable. We are not dealt a single hand of cards at birth. In fact, the human brain is constantly changing and evolving. In this episode, Stephen discusses the number one way in which the brain is shaped and influenced. If you want to be a better man, it’s essential that you master the very specific area of life discussed in this[read more]
Published on July 19, 2022
Men are made for adventure. Yet so many guys are “over-domesticated.” You know how it goes: gradually, the pressures and duties of daily life begin to take over. We spend our time taking care of our homes, families, cars, and careers, while we neglect attending to our inner zeal and passion. Men, you need to have regular activities in your life that force excitement and adventure upon you. Every man at every age needs to look at his life,[read more]
Published on July 12, 2022
Please note: This episode includes sexual content. Parents, consider listening alone first, then discussing with your sons. Pornography is at the root of many issues in our world, from domestic abuse to sex trafficking. In this hard-hitting episode, Stephen drills down on one specific problem: porn-induced erectile dysfunction. Younger men are now experiencing ED as a result of regular use of pornography. Learn about the problems, the studies, and the solutions connected to P.I.E.D.
This episode originally aired on May 21,[read more]
Published on July 5, 2022
The great principles and truths that guide us to success and effective living are often quite simple. Stephen shares a basic concept that has changed his life: maintaining a sense of calm. One of the gifts that men can give to the world and themselves is calmness. A good man is centered. He is connected to God. He does not get rattled by everything that happens. He believes in destiny, and he steps into every new phase of life[read more]
Published on June 28, 2022
No matter your age or health, you need to make the habit of getting an annual medical exam a regular discipline in your life. Many of the diseases that can kill or seriously debilitate you are not things that you can detect yourself. Yeah, it might be uncomfortable. No, you’re not going to like it. But routine annual exams are a crucial part of being a great man. You owe it to yourself and your family. Tune in as[read more]
Published on June 21, 2022
In one of Stephen’s favorite films, Legends of the Fall, there are two brothers who embody different spirits of manhood. Alfred is refined. Tristan is wild. There’s a scene where Alfred turns to Tristan and says, “I followed all of the rules, man’s and God’s, and you followed none of them. And they all loved you more.” Men live in tension between innate wildness and societal rules. Yes, rules are necessary for society to function. The problem is that[read more]
Published on June 14, 2022
Build the culture around you through the stories you tell. Words are the fast-track in culture building. Weed out the dark and disillusioning, and fill in with the inspiring and encouraging. This summer, Stephen challenges you to evaluate what you’re talking about on a regular basis. Are you constantly griping or mired in negativity? What are you telling most often, and what does that encourage to grow in your life? Words matter. Learn to use them, especially the power[read more]
Published on June 7, 2022
In this special episode recorded for both the GreatMan Podcast and the Stephen Mansfield Podcast, Stephen reflects on the tragic shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Tune in for a discussion of gun laws, school security, but most importantly: the powerful role that family and community can play in preventing troubled young men like the Uvalde shooter from taking such brutal and violent actions.
Image via Sergio Flores for the Texas Tribune
Published on May 31, 2022
After the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle disasters, NASA became very risk-averse in their corporate culture. As a result, they didn’t have any major failures. They also capped innovation. SpaceX, on the other hand, failed and failed often. Elon Musk built a corporate culture that turned those failures into fuel for growth. Similarly, when you attempt something daring and new, there will be failures. But the “perfect” is the enemy of progress. You’re going to screw up. Mistakes will[read more]
Published on May 24, 2022
Men need both a team and a purpose or they will go about digging holes in their lives. Going it alone, they will allow themselves to be destroyed by addiction, excess pleasure, and past traumas. They will crash. Stephen illustrates the point by sharing a story he recently heard Bedros Keuilian tell. Men, find a band of brothers and get to work on fixing the problematic areas of your life before a blow-up. Better to avoid the crash than[read more]
Published on May 17, 2022
Many a man has discovered the power of rebellion in his teenage years. It feels good. It makes you feel alive. A little bit of opposition and rebellion can even be healthy. But don’t get stuck there. If you allow rebellion to become a primary force in your life, you live constantly in a state of reaction. When rebellion and anger thrive in your soul, you are not able to pursue a destiny or take hold of a higher[read more]
Published on May 10, 2022