GreatMan Podcast
We are likely entering into the worst of the pandemic. In this episode, Stephen encourages listeners to keep at bay the darkness of depression, disillusionment, and despair. Every man who wants to live a meaningful life has to push back against this darkness. Tune in to learn about the seven specific things you should do to keep the darkness away in this season. This is an episode not to be missed!
Published on December 8, 2020
Friendship is vital to noble manhood. It’s one of the great gifts and abilities men possess. Yet the typical man walks alone – to his own destruction. In this episode, Stephen shares seven truths about noble, manly friendship. Tune in, and evaluate your total body of friendships from this perspective. Then, find yourself inspired and emboldened to build a tribe and culture around you that’s rooted in noble manhood.
Published on December 1, 2020
Watch this video on YouTube. Last week, Stephen told a brief version of the Thanksgiving story. Today, he asks, what’s with the modern controversies surrounding Thanksgiving? Why is the simple, sweet, faith-filled story of Thanksgiving so attacked? Tune in as Stephen debunks the would-be debunkers! Above all, may you remember the good, noble, and true parts of our heritage during this holiday. Let’s honor those who paved the way by continuing to tell the Thanksgiving story to the next[read more]
Published on November 24, 2020
Watch this episode on YouTube. The first Thanksgiving story begins in the North of England with a congregation. In it, we see people who desire to be a stepping stone to the light of Christ. They’re also credited with writing one of the first civil compacts in history. “We sailed for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith,” wrote the Pilgrims in the Mayflower Compact during that frigid transatlantic journey. In this episode, Stephen shares[read more]
Published on November 17, 2020
As the holiday season approaches, it’s time we talk about rituals. Men have a unique gift for rituals and are deeply impacted by them. In this episode, Stephen shares some of his own rituals, as well as those he’s observed in families, companies, and bands of brothers. Discover the importance of rituals and learn how to build them into every aspect of your life. When you embed rituals into your life, you engage in constantly reaffirming what kind of[read more]
Published on November 10, 2020
I’m proud of my country this morning. During a pandemic, and with 400 million opinions to consider, most election results are in, there is no major violence, and by nearly all accounts there is no corruption and no system breakdown. Our politics are divided, but our system works. In this morning’s episode, we’ll cover the “Blue Wave,” President Trump’s late night announcement, polling, and more. Above all, I urge you to be peacemakers in the hours and days ahead.
Published on November 4, 2020
“How do we react during this continued COVID-19 crisis?” many of you have asked. In this episode, Stephen gives his very personal response, sharing the questions and challenges that he has personally faced down in 2020, as well as advice for men who are yearning to be better. Now is a time to practice discipline and learn how to do with less. Join us in “thinking from the finish line,” as we pursue noble manhood in the face of[read more]
Published on October 27, 2020
Last month, Stephen asked for your manly music recommendations. What songs ask us to be great men or raise a noble, manly vision? And, wow, did you guys deliver! Stephen discusses some of the 100+ songs you shared in this episode of the GreatMan Podcast. Thanks to Gary, Andrew, Mike, Justin, Alex, Clay, Ben, Larry, Jason, Mac, Chuck and many others. Tune in and welcome these noble themes into your heart. Let’s not just build great manhood in ourselves,[read more]
Published on October 20, 2020
There’s a connection between pornography and the sexual abuse brought to light by the #MeToo movement. Most porn depicts women as willing for anything. It portrays women as “wanting it” – to put it in a crass locker room phrasing. Women in porn are typically shown as resistant, but willing to have their virtue compromised by a man who is persistent. This causes men to believe that women need to be urged or coaxed into becoming just as willing[read more]
Published on October 13, 2020
Men are often told they should be good or noble primarily in the context of their roles as husbands and fathers. While, yes, your wife and children deserve to have a good man, a noble man in their lives, they are not the main reason why you should be a good man. You’re called to be a great man simply because that is who you’re meant to be – regardless of culture, religion, place in time and history, or[read more]
Published on October 6, 2020
We should have manly music playing in our hearts and ears, music that will inspire us to be GreatMen. So, where is it? In this episode, Stephen describes a few of his favorite “manly” songs and asks for you to submit your favorite manly songs. In a future episode, Stephen will share your submissions with other guys. Send us the songs that inspire noble manhood within you! Email info@greatman.TV.
Published on September 29, 2020
“Oh yeah, my buddy’s done that before.” “I read it in a book.” “There’s a YouTube channel on that.” Many men are living their lives through secondary experiences. What they know of the world has come to them through a screen or secondhand report. But they’ve never done it themselves. In this episode, Stephen exhorts men to get out in the field and experience life firsthand. See, taste, smell, sweat, struggle, achieve, and feel. Live fully, and emphasize primary[read more]
Published on September 22, 2020