GreatMan Podcast
In most men’s movements or ministries, there’s an assumption that men are meant to be outdoorsy hunters who are into sports, motorcycles, whiskey, and cigars. Of course, not every man fits that mold. Great manhood isn’t about certain behaviors or stereotypes. Great manhood is like jazz. There are a few certain core truths – themes, if you will. Outside of those, there are infinite variations. Find your groove and be the man you’re made to be. We’ll be proud[read more]
Published on September 15, 2020
Stephen has spoken often on the subject of fathers and sons. But how should a noble, righteous man relate to his daughter? In this episode, Stephen illustrates four essential things every man should do in building a healthy, effective relationship with his daughter. Men, if you’re a father of a girl, no matter the age, this is essential listening!
Published on September 8, 2020
Men have the power to heal the injustices of racism in our country and around the world. It’s largely men who physically express racism through violence. But men are not just the perpetrators. We also have power to reach across lines to other men and make a difference. In this episode Stephen challenges you to ask yourself, “What am I doing in my life to build bridges and heal injustices?” What can you do that’s not just symbolic, but[read more]
Published on September 1, 2020
Perhaps you’ve heard the latest about Jerry Falwell, Jr. The particulars of his situation are not the topic of this episode. Rather, Stephen imparts one of the great arts of great manhood. Are you ready? Whenever there is a crisis in your personal life, a hidden embarrassment, a sin… you need to “get there firstest with the mostest.” Get out in front of the issue. Shine a light on it before anyone else can. Deal honestly, on your own[read more]
Published on August 25, 2020
If you’re reading books about noble manhood or attending virtual or in-person events, then you’re a part of the noble manhood movement. But what are you doing to feed the movement? There are a number of websites, books, podcasts, and conversations around the topic of noble manhood these days. Wonderful. But we need your voice, too. The GreatMan movement isn’t limited to a few stars or personalities. We need every man who resonates with this vision to do something.[read more]
Published on August 18, 2020
Let’s talk about one of the arts of manhood, the art of directness. Men are lovingly direct in dealing with situations. When a man is not lovingly direct, problems arise. Stephen illustrates this by sharing the story of a dinner he had some years ago that went embarrassingly sideways. Look at your life. Where are you leaking anger, bitterness, or sarcasm?
Published on August 11, 2020
Stephen doesn’t normally dish out health and exercise advice on the GreatMan Podcast. However, there’s something very simple that every man can do to improve his physical health. It’s free. You don’t need any special equipment or clothing. And you don’t need a gym or a dedicated space. Stephen calls this form of exercise “FX.” And he believes that if he had started this routine after graduating college and kept it up, he’d be in better shape today than[read more]
Published on August 4, 2020
We don’t venture into pop psychology often in the GreatMan Podcast. Today, Stephen addresses a phenomenon known as transference. Transference occurs when you take the emotions experienced in one area of life and apply them to another. (For example, your frustrations at work carry over to how you treat your wife and kids at home.) In this episode, Stephen discusses macro-transference in particular. Learn how to identify transference in your life so that you can fix what needs fixing[read more]
Published on July 28, 2020
“Memento Mori” has served men as a motivation throughout the centuries. Latin for “remember death,” this phrase has prompted ancients and moderns alike to contemplate their own mortality and the meaning of their lives. With advances in science, many of you may very well live into your nineties or beyond 100. Your opportunity for impact is greater than your forefathers. So, what higher values will you live for? What purposes are you meant to accomplish? Force the question of[read more]
Published on July 21, 2020
Is there a conversation you’ve been avoiding? Then that’s the conversation you need to have. A man should be quick to reconcile and quick to address an issue. Even if the hard conversation you need to have doesn’t elicit the desired response, you still get the opportunity to live large and big-hearted. Shake off the guilt or bitterness, and live life with your soul unlocked. Have the conversation!
Published on July 14, 2020
If you are attempting to live out a code of noble manhood, you aren’t alone. You are part of something Stephen’s never talked about before on the GreatMan Podcast: a fellowship of men in the world. Tune in as Stephen discusses the global pursuit of great manhood, and what it means to care about righteous manhood across racial, ethnic, and national lines. Now, let’s get to the work that’s set out before us.
Published on July 7, 2020
We are living through a critical time in history. Now, more than ever, we need good, noble, righteous, honorable, Great Men to arise. We need to encourage each other, to become stabilizers in our society, to rescue the young, and to help one another in living for the glory of God. Our generation can turn around manhood’s current downward trajectory. In this episode, Stephen discusses the seven fires that need to burn in the soul of men:
1) The[read more]Published on June 30, 2020