GreatMan Podcast

  • Stephen tackles an essential aspect of manhood that he has never before spoken of on the GreatMan Podcast. And, no, it’s not “courage.” It’s a principle and truth that has elevated men and spurred them to change their generations. Tune in to discover this principle, as well as the book that has brought the principle to Stephen’s mind. Pre-order The Courage Factor: Taking Bold Steps That Lead to Joy by Bob Westfall here.

    Published on June 23, 2020

  • Racism is morally wrong. It’s a cancer in the souls of men and society. In this episode, Stephen tells of his upbringing with regard to race. Growing up the son of an Army officer, Stephen’s views on race were shaped at an early age. But some members of his family didn’t see eye-to-eye on the matter. Tune into the story, and then join the call to take up arms with us as we battle the evils of racism alongside[read more]

    Published on June 16, 2020

  • Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, yet there he was tinkering with an Erector set during his lunch hour so that he could be a better father for his children. Today, many guys are wanting to emerge from this season as good men, as change agents for their families and society. Stephen dismantles the 1950s Hollywood image of a “single blade” father and describes how a real man is multidimensional, possessing a Swiss Army Knife[read more]

    Published on June 9, 2020

  • Like you, Stephen is living through these very difficult times: coronavirus, protests and riots in the streets, the killing of George Floyd. Like you, he’s doing everything he can to decry the bad, encourage the good, and fix some of the dysfunctions that are torturing us in this time. Today (June 2, 2020) is the release of Stephen’s newest book, Men on Fire: Restoring the Forces that Forge Noble Manhood. Though the manuscript was completed in January, the book[read more]

    Published on June 2, 2020

  • Over the last few months, a lot of men have been home alone. Many have been afraid and in need of comfort, security, and love. Unfortunately, a lot of guys have been looking in the wrong places. The sale of sex dolls has skyrocketed in the last three months. Many guys have confessed to an increased life of masturbation and pornography use. Stephen talks about the moral, social, psychological, and physiological issues (ever heard of P.I.E.D.?) that develop as[read more]

    Published on May 27, 2020

  • The editor of a Christian magazine recently lashed out on Twitter, labeling men who wear masks as cowards, “moral monsters” submitting to terrorists and fears. Another man compared wearing a mask to putting on the Star of David under Nazi rule. If your version of masculinity is somehow diminished by wearing a mask, then you’ve got a very flimsy understanding of what it means to be a man. A man is confident in who he is and knows his[read more]

    Published on May 19, 2020

  • Stephen talks often about the rise of women and decline of men. From health, to wage increases to higher education, women have been eclipsing men in recent decades. Now, the coronavirus pandemic is falling harder on women than men. Tune in to learn why this is happening, as well as what you can do to serve the women within your sphere of influence.

    Published on May 12, 2020

  • As we begin to emerge from the coronavirus shutdown, Stephen takes a few minutes to level with you and present some fresh challenges. In this episode, you’ll receive some guidance on how you can use your personal experience of the last few weeks to spark positive changes in your life, your soul, and your future. From evaluating friendships to preparing for death itself, this episode hits hard. Are you ready?

    Published on May 5, 2020

  • During this coronavirus season, many guys are living more domesticated lives. You’re sitting at home more, maybe eating or drinking more, and watching too much TV. You’re getting soft. Not good! Men need an outlet for aggression. The desire to push, attack, conquer, and draft big, bold plans is not a bad thing. These acts are supported by channeling the godly gift of physical aggression. One of the arts of great manhood is that you maintain some aggression in[read more]

    Published on April 28, 2020

  • What comes after a season of plague? Renaissance. Join Stephen as he speaks to both of his podcast audiences in a single episode, pondering the thrilling potential of generational upheaval and the flowering of the human spirit. Stephen speaks as a historian of Shakespeare, Chaucer, Martin Luther, and others who produced great works out of times not unlike our own. Men, if you’re interested in a podcast about public affairs, world events, and the progress of faith in our[read more]

    Published on April 21, 2020

  • Good men believe in science and facts. They know their situational reality. They protect women and children. They lead and love well. A recent op-ed in The Washington Post paints an entirely different picture of masculinity, particularly in the “white evangelical conservative” world. Stephen doesn’t normally address media in the GreatMan Podcast, but this patently false assault against our movement demands a response.

    Published on April 14, 2020

  • Ponder today’s episode at a quiet moment. As the coronavirus reaches the apex of the curve, soon we will be surrounded by death. Stephen encourages you to ponder your own death so that you might live your life now with even greater purpose and meaning. As Ecclesiastes says, death is the destiny of all men, and the living should take it to heart. Memento mori, remember that you must die.

    Published on April 7, 2020